FAQ & Submission Guidelines

Contributors to LISTEN are encouraged to write about whatever they feel is necessary or appropriate for the site.  We are committed to creating OUR own version of history, and that includes you. So it’s up to you to decide how this historical document is going to take shape. If you have any questions about content ideas we’re ready to answer them as well, feel free to write us an email at [email protected]

- Your submission must be accompanied by an image. All images need to be credited and uploaded with the owner’s permission.
- We are currently only publishing original articles. If you have a piece of writing which has been published elsewhere or an article that you’d like to share we’d recommend posting a link to it on the Facebook page.

- Please submit your writing as an attachment in the submissions section as a plain text (.txt) document.
- Unfortunately we are unable to provide financial compensation for contributions to the LISTEN project. We are running as a volunteer-organised non-profit organisation and encourage you only to spend time on writing that will not impede on your regular daily income requirements!
- If you are unsure, send anyway! Ask us anything! We are here to help clarify things.

The process:
Please email your submission to [email protected] Once we’ve had a read we’ll get back to you with any editing suggestions or ideas. Then once the writing is approved by the writer and the LISTEN team, we’ll put it up on the site.

Some examples for those who might feel unsure:
- Your experiences as a woman/gender queer person navigating musical landscapes
- A story about your favourite band, gig, experience within music in Australia
- Stories detailing things you would like to see change, or things that have changed already
- Feminist inquiries of any kind, whether you’re a musician or not

Really, write about whatever you like!  If you’re still unsure but would like to be involved, there’s a team of experienced writers and music nerds who are so keen to answer questions.



Why do I need to be edited or approved?

You may choose to have your piece edited or just left as you wrote it.  However approval is necessary.  This is to avoid any content that may offend or undermine people’s feelings within the LISTEN community.  We reserve the right to deny publication if we feel that material is inappropriate.  (But we’d rather hear from you than not hear from you for fear of your offending us.)


Will I be published in the book?

While the intention is to eventually create a book out of the writing collected through the LISTEN site, unfortunately not all entries will make it into the final edit of that book.  All writing will be published on the site if the writer wishes for it to be public, and some articles/media will become part of the book.  We are allowing the narrative of the book to be shaped by the community so there’s no way of knowing what will be included in the final product.


I am a straight cis gender male.  Can I write a piece for LISTEN?

We encourage everyone to contribute to the project, you don’t have to be female/gender queer/marginalised in any way.  Although this is a project aimed at documenting the history of more marginalised musical endeavours, we wish to include everyone in being involved in the process.  If you’d like to write about your favourite women in music, your concerns about being male in a male dominated environment, your observations as a feminist – we are so keen to hear anything like this!  Please remember to be as considerate as possible when writing.  All pieces of writing are workshopped with the LISTEN team and approved before going up on the site, so if you have any concerns about whether you’re going to offend you need not worry, we’ll be sure you have a good chat about it with you.

There are no boundaries regarding length.  You may want to write a very short piece or a very in depth piece.  Let the subject matter guide you, and once again feel free to ask for editing assistance for the LISTEN team.


Do I have to write at all?  Can I submit images/other material alone?

We encourage any images to be uploaded to the site also.  We’d love to see scans of your zines, comic strips you’ve made, fliers from gigs, paintings, drawings, whatever!  We are also encouraging documenting music itself so soundcloud links can be added to articles if you wish, or simply put up with a brief description.


I don’t know how to write an article… Do you need to have specific knowledge/feminist background?

You know how to write in your own words!  Just give it a try, and rest assured that we are super keen to help refine your drafts as much as you need.  Any style of writing is OK.


I want to write a piece but am afraid that I’ll be too negative.  Are there things it’s better not to write about?

Please write whatever you feel is necessary, regardless of whether you feel worried about being a ‘downer’ or ranting too much.  That’s all part of the LISTEN project – making space for all the conversations, not just the easy or pleasant ones.  The only requirement is that your work is not offensive to people in the broader LISTEN community.  Once again, we’re happy to provide guidance about that, so just submit anyway!


I’m not a musician, I just go to gigs sometimes.  Can I submit a piece?

Absolutely!  Music appreciation is highly regarded in the LISTEN project.  Your level of involvement is up to you.